1.   Perhaps each species of bird or monkey has poor vision and latches on to just one limited aspect of an insect.

2.   The letters should be sufficiently large and should be placed soas to cater for patients with poor vision.

3.   The syndrome usually causes poor vision as well.

4.   This is the easy part, proving difficult only for those with unsteady hands, poor vision or failure to comprehend.

5.   Vague or inexact directions can be mystifying for pupils with poor vision.

6.   Perhaps each species of bird or monkey has poor vision and latches onto just one limited aspect of an insect.

7.   We can easily, in fact, appreciate from our own familiar experience the whole spectrum from exceedingly poor vision to excellent vision.

8.   An engineer with poor vision ran a red signal, causing a fatal collision last year.

9.   A clash may provide the first indication of a larger problem, such as poor vision, hearing difficulty or information-processing problems.

10.   Alcohol and poor vision were to blame.

a. + vision >>共 883
blurred 4.52%
peripheral 3.62%
new 3.11%
clear 2.68%
different 2.64%
grand 1.70%
poor 1.23%
great 1.19%
impaired 1.16%
strategic 1.16%
poor + n. >>共 917
people 5.56%
country 4.79%
performance 3.63%
health 3.05%
family 2.95%
condition 2.69%
child 2.06%
neighborhood 1.95%
nation 1.73%
weather 1.60%
vision 0.17%
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