1.   Although many documents needed to process benefits can be sent through the mail, advocates for the poor say they are often lost through bureaucratic bungling or carelessness.

2.   And advocates for the poor say that there is still not enough housing for the poor in the city.

3.   And advocates for the poor say that even if welfare families have a greater problem with school attendance, withholding welfare checks will not solve it.

4.   As a result, advocates for the poor say, many people are effectively denied their constitutional right to counsel.

5.   Advocates for the poor say these people are just getting by, finding jobs that are quickly lost and leaning on relatives who can barely fill their own refrigerators.

6.   Advocates of the poor say some of the children are being denied food they helped grow.

7.   Advocates of the poor say provisions of the bill are designed for the wealthy few.

8.   Advocates for the poor say the whole naming process sounds suspiciously like sloganeering that will appeal to voters but help few welfare recipients find work.

9.   But advocates for the poor say city officials have known about the shortage of services for years.

10.   But privacy experts and lawyers for the poor say the record search may violate a federal law protecting the confidentiality of drug and alcohol treatment records.

a. + say >>共 246
final 39.51%
greater 8.41%
bigger 3.12%
equal 1.99%
ultimate 1.99%
direct 1.56%
big 1.56%
major 1.39%
poor 1.39%
last 1.21%
poor + n. >>共 917
people 5.56%
country 4.79%
performance 3.63%
health 3.05%
family 2.95%
condition 2.69%
child 2.06%
neighborhood 1.95%
nation 1.73%
weather 1.60%
say 0.08%
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