1.   Which two of the following foods are high in polyunsaturated fat?

2.   Brown said he tried for months to persuade the NIH to pay for a study on the role of polyunsaturated fats in preventing heart disease, but was unsuccessful.

3.   Fish oils contain significant amounts of polyunsaturated fat.

4.   For example, in animal studies, monounsaturated fats like olive and canola oils do not promote tumor growth the way polyunsaturated fats do.

5.   No relationship was found with polyunsaturated fats, the kind in fish and vegetable oils.

6.   Polyunsaturated fat is found in the oils of seeds and some nuts, including corn, soy, safflower, sesame and walnut.

7.   Polyunsaturated fats?

8.   Polyunsaturated fats are found in corn, soy, sunflower and other oils and are always liquid, even when refrigerated.

9.   Polyunsaturated fat tended to raise the risk, and saturated fat had no effect.

10.   Polyunsaturated fats, found in many vegetable oils and in nuts, protect the arteries.

a. + fat >>共 215
excess 15.51%
animal 7.20%
dietary 4.59%
monounsaturated 2.73%
vegetable 2.48%
chicken 2.36%
cooking 2.23%
polyunsaturated 1.99%
visible 1.74%
abdominal 1.74%
polyunsaturated + n. >>共 5
fat 76.19%
oil 9.52%
diet 4.76%
spread 4.76%
thing 4.76%
每页显示:    共 16