1.   Further, if blacks somehow got elected to political office, they must be mobbed and displaced.

2.   Although interested in the public welfare, he was too much of an introvert to consider personally running for political office.

3.   They typically do not inherit land, divorce their husbands, control their finances or hold political office.

4.   People holding political office would not be eligible, but political parties would be allowed to campaign for candidates.

5.   Walloon Socialists reluctantly conceded that French-speakers living in Flanders should not be allowed to hold political office in Wallonia.

6.   We cannot explain the special responsibilities of political office, therefore, if we try to build these directly from ordinary principles of private morality.

7.   Along with his sister, Kennedy sought throughout his life to dedicate himself to public service even though both continued to shy away from political office.

8.   Although he appears regularly on television, writes occasional news commentaries and is often sought out by foreign guests, Juozaitis says he is not ready for political office.

9.   Although Huffington lost, the fact that he came so close might encourage other millionaires eyeing high political office, Jeffe said.

10.   Although it was clear McCain had the tools to reach political office on his own, Tully helped open the door.

a. + office >>共 671
public 6.30%
new 4.89%
home 3.56%
representative 2.78%
local 2.65%
political 2.40%
regional 2.14%
federal 2.09%
statewide 1.91%
presidential 1.90%
political + n. >>共 919
party 6.88%
leader 2.98%
prisoner 1.59%
analyst 1.43%
system 1.09%
reform 1.07%
crisis 1.03%
opponent 0.97%
career 0.97%
issue 0.93%
office 0.34%
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