1.   The police trailed the gang to their hideout.

2.   Police trailed the gang for several days.

3.   Pickett admitted that the police often trail villains in understanding and adopting new technology.

4.   Such remembrances have been outlawed, however, and the special police soon are trailing him.

5.   Police had been trailing the pair since the Duesseldorf blast.

6.   Police trail dissidents during Albright visit.

7.   After another, directed against visiting Chinese Premier Li Peng, police trailed participants who had dispersed.

8.   In many cases, police were trailing suspects long before the U.S. terror attacks.

9.   Marek said police had been trailing the group for about a year.

10.   Police had been trailing the pair at least since the Duesseldorf blast.

n. + trail >>共 293
voice 9.49%
team 4.57%
party 2.81%
candidate 2.81%
police 2.11%
company 1.76%
officer 1.23%
reporter 1.23%
camera 1.05%
day 0.88%
police + v. >>共 510
say 30.33%
arrest 4.21%
be 3.14%
find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
have 1.69%
fire 1.56%
believe 1.43%
detain 1.33%
use 1.17%
trail 0.01%
每页显示:    共 12