1.   Police barricades are set up to allow one lane of traffic, each way, to squeeze through.

2.   Police barricades were set up at the front entrance, and police cars occasionally circled the building.

3.   On Friday two thousand striking workers broke through a police barricade in order to protest outside the presidential office.

4.   Along the parade route, though, Clinton received only mild cheers and a few jeers from onlookers, who stood on the sidewalk behind police barricades.

5.   And several hundred others stood behind police barricades.

6.   And the cynical might have noted that the people jammed behind waist-high police barricades at the courthouse seemed strangely energized by the appearance of television cameras.

7.   As detectives clustered around the crime scene Monday, residents gathered behind police barricades and spoke of the killing.

8.   As ice water gushed from crumpled boxes to drench the fish handlers, the onlookers yelled obscenities from behind police barricades.

9.   As on Monday, supporters of Anwar were corralled behind police barricades under the gaze of troops wielding automatic weapons, truncheons and tear-gas canisters.

10.   At the plaza to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, jumpy Israeli cops shouted orders at sometimes-flustered elderly pilgrims until they moved behind police barricades.

n. + barricade >>共 63
police 46.55%
tire 9.46%
barbed-wire 7.42%
steel 4.09%
road 3.07%
cement 2.81%
iron 2.81%
security 2.81%
sandbag 1.28%
army 1.02%
police + n. >>共 515
spokesman 9.77%
official 7.94%
chief 4.26%
car 3.33%
source 2.97%
department 2.95%
report 2.28%
headquarters 2.25%
custody 2.13%
investigation 1.87%
barricade 0.44%
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