1.   Companies poised to benefit, according to Welch, are those that can generate power at little cost, or that have shed their high-cost generation assets.

2.   Maryland high-tech firms stand poised to benefit from an expected increase in the number of foreign workers allowed under a controversial program.

3.   The so-called barbell trade ensures against a surge in rates and leaves a fund poised to benefit from a rally.

4.   This creativity crunch has appeared just as medicine sits poised to benefit from major advances in molecular biology and computer technology.

5.   Worth also says that some of the groups poised to benefit from the new law opened their wallets to support it through Congress.

v. + benefit >>共 64
position 11.71%
use 9.01%
sell 5.41%
figure 4.50%
poise 4.50%
place 3.60%
auction 2.70%
organize 2.70%
craft 1.80%
do 1.80%
poise + v. >>共 157
take 9.06%
make 6.71%
become 4.36%
win 3.69%
enter 3.36%
benefit 1.68%
launch 1.68%
move 1.68%
strike 1.68%
capture 1.34%
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