1.   At the moment the machine does not run on the popular Palm Pilot series of pocket organizers, which do not have enough computing power.

2.   Color is nice, but it is unclear how important it is for a pocket organizer.

3.   How about a pocket organizer?

4.   Once upon a time, pocket organizers were little more than calculators that also let you store telephone numbers and addresses.

5.   Officials at afflicted ministries and institutions said money was missing, as well as laptop computers, RAM modules, pocket organizers, video players and other items.

6.   Other categories in the Franklin line include pocket organizers, medical terminology reference books and crossword puzzle solvers.

7.   Some pocket organizers transfer data using cables.

8.   Some people call them pocket personal organizers.

9.   That gives the toy about as much computing power as an advanced pocket organizer, she said.

10.   The most ardent devotees are rarely separated from their pocket organizers.

n. + organizer >>共 239
race 9.96%
protest 8.70%
conference 7.44%
tournament 6.11%
event 3.92%
rally 3.52%
tour 3.32%
labor 3.12%
parade 2.59%
community 2.39%
pocket 0.93%
pocket + n. >>共 160
knife 16.48%
change 10.73%
watch 6.32%
protector 5.56%
passer 3.83%
handkerchief 3.45%
organizer 2.68%
door 2.30%
camera 2.11%
maxi 1.92%
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