1.   For six years they labored in a makeshift wooden hut with no face masks or other safeguards, breathing deadly plutonium dust that wafted through the air.

2.   For six years they worked with no face-masks and breathed plutonium dust that periodically wafted through their work spaces, said Leya Sokhina.

3.   Progress killed the buffaloes, decimated the Native Americans, poisoned the groundwater and sifted plutonium dust on our children.

4.   They worry that an accident might send plutonium dust showering down on Florida or the world, killing tens of thousands.

5.   The process aims to seal deadly plutonium dust in an intrusion-resistant glassy mass.

6.   They fear a crash and subsequent fire could release deadly plutonium dust -- a concern one nuclear official laughed off.

n. + dust >>共 125
coal 15.38%
fairy 6.51%
pixie 5.03%
chalk 4.14%
plaster 3.85%
cement 3.55%
grain 3.25%
uranium 2.96%
construction 2.07%
house 2.07%
plutonium 1.78%
plutonium + n. >>共 101
fuel 7.37%
shipment 5.07%
stockpile 4.61%
production 3.23%
core 3.23%
oxide 3.23%
dust 2.76%
program 2.76%
battery 2.76%
bomb 2.30%
每页显示:    共 6