1.   Attempts to please voters by imposing constraints on supply and pricing mechanisms always create marketplace distortions that either bring shortages, boost prices or both.

2.   Few governments have been able to please voters panicked over the loss of guaranteed jobs and free health care and education.

3.   He had pleased voters by chopping their taxes and presiding over an economic recovery in the state.

4.   Many Democrats, also looking to please Hispanic voters, favor reforming immigration laws.

5.   Politicians, in the end, must try to please voters.

6.   Pataki and Rowland, who are both up for re-election in November, are following the classic practice of incumbents fattening budgets to please voters.

7.   Since Medicare affects so many constituents, Miller and Goss face the task of pleasing their voters, while remaining loyal to their party.

8.   The idea of breaking up the bills has proved relatively fruitful, since it drew Democratic votes and appeared to please voters.

9.   What matters, evidently, is pleasing the voters by being tough on law and order.

10.   The big risk is that their popularity will sink further if there is nothing much to please the voters.

v. + voter >>共 539
woo 3.47%
attract 3.43%
register 3.31%
alienate 2.93%
intimidate 2.58%
sway 2.48%
court 2.07%
turn 2.00%
reach 1.91%
influence 1.46%
please 0.38%
please + n. >>共 332
people 4.04%
fan 3.82%
investor 3.38%
audience 3.17%
customer 2.18%
parent 2.07%
official 1.75%
mother 1.53%
call 1.53%
group 1.53%
voter 1.31%
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