1.   Although roast kid with herbs, giblet rice and rich fish soups would have pleased any palate, Ted most enjoyed the small clams with fried pork chunks.

2.   If the chips please the discerning palate of the Hoosier snack buff, they will be rolled out regionally, then nationally.

3.   Although qualified chefs and proper ingredients are generally more available in recent years, many chefs still Americanize their ethnic dishes merely to please American palates.

4.   They thought adding strawberry or watermelon would boost sales and please palates.

v. + palate >>共 69
cleanse 12.12%
clear 6.82%
refresh 6.06%
suit 3.79%
jade 3.03%
please 3.03%
satisfy 3.03%
clean 2.27%
overwhelm 2.27%
slake 2.27%
please + n. >>共 332
people 4.04%
fan 3.82%
investor 3.38%
audience 3.17%
customer 2.18%
parent 2.07%
official 1.75%
mother 1.53%
call 1.53%
group 1.53%
palate 0.44%
每页显示:    共 4