1.   Cal is about as close to Gehrig in ethic and style as players get these days.

2.   He thinks every-down players get worn out playing special teams.

3.   How bad was it when so many of his players get up there with Sprewell?

4.   Very seldom do you see any player get ejected from a playoff game in football and baseball, much less a superstar.

5.   What other team has had a player get hurt during haircuts?

n. + get >>共 363
thing 2.76%
people 2.37%
guy 1.18%
way 1.18%
season 0.99%
team 0.99%
kid 0.99%
child 0.99%
player 0.99%
woman 0.99%
player + n. >>共 724
association 7.84%
union 6.49%
personnel 5.32%
salary 4.83%
development 3.69%
representative 2.90%
contract 2.59%
agent 2.52%
director 2.04%
movement 1.76%
get 0.17%
每页显示:    共 5