1.   Blowing infernal plastic horns.

2.   But endless chiffon streamers, incessant tooting of plastic horns, and maudlin stories of dead relatives are endurable only in widely spaced dollops.

3.   By the way, the concession stands sold out of plastic horns.

4.   Little plastic horns, tiny teddy bears and soft-stuffed dolls work well.

5.   Once one person does it, then you get this screaming and the air horns and these giant plastic horns.

6.   The plastic horns were still honking.

7.   They stood tooting their plastic horns, waving the Rising Sun flag and cheering every gesture by their ski-jumping heroes.

8.   They wave flags and blow plastic horns.

9.   A bee-like buzz hummed all game from plastic horns popular among the locals.

10.   As the party heats up, the sound of samba drums and plastic horns erupt from street corners driving fans to a frenzy.

a. + horn >>共 197
honking 7.77%
final 6.97%
plastic 3.75%
blaring 2.68%
french 2.41%
hunting 2.14%
honked 1.88%
locking 1.88%
animal 1.88%
long 1.61%
plastic + n. >>共 1296
bag 17.24%
wrap 5.70%
sheeting 3.48%
container 3.05%
bottle 2.62%
bullet 2.33%
sheet 2.26%
cup 1.83%
chair 1.38%
box 0.98%
horn 0.16%
每页显示:    共 14