1.   Nucleic acid and protein contents and plasma CCK values were expressed as mean whereas those of BreUrd labelling index and PCNA labelling index were expressed as medians.

2.   Moreover, our patients showed normal plasma values of glucagon and atrial natriuretic peptides, the only other hormones known to influence extracellular cyclic nucleotide values.

3.   In some of these subjects plasma values were not available.

4.   In patients in whom H pylori eradication failed, changes in juice vitamin concentrations did not differ significantly according to the final plasma value.

n. + value >>共 512
property 11.60%
shareholder 6.90%
dollar 4.67%
entertainment 4.63%
yen 4.34%
production 4.15%
asset 3.11%
shock 3.08%
share 2.75%
core 2.40%
plasma 0.13%
plasma + n. >>共 90
concentration 15.00%
display 6.54%
screen 6.54%
monitor 3.85%
gastrin 3.85%
expander 3.46%
television 3.46%
set 3.08%
product 2.31%
protein 2.31%
value 1.54%
每页显示:    共 4