1.   Non-local workers were transported by plane and housed in large, specially built camps or in adjacent accommodation ships.

2.   Air force planes transported food to the survivors, but delivery of food and other relief operations was hampered by a manpower shortage, due to the heavy casualties.

3.   But Symington trumped Woods, persuading Beltrones to allow his government plane to transport a grateful Tucker from Agua Prieta to Phoenix.

4.   El-Hage said bin Laden wanted the plane to transport Stinger anti-aircraft missiles from Pakistan to Sudan and to carry produce, a witness said.

5.   Thirty-one passenger planes transported still more equipment from the old airport to its giant successor.

6.   A Russian plane transported the mini-sub from Britain to Norway.

7.   But Kwanyih and the Sudan government alleged the plane also was transporting ammunition.

8.   Dutch politicians initially said the plane was transporting flowers and perfume, but it was later revealed the cargo included military equipment.

9.   French military planes are transporting tons of materiel from a main base in Gabon to this tiny African island nation, military sources here said Wednesday.

10.   It then allowed Egyptian planes to transport the rest of its pilgrims.

n. + transport >>共 213
helicopter 8.35%
truck 7.13%
bus 3.30%
ambulance 3.13%
plane 3.13%
ship 2.96%
wind 2.61%
company 2.26%
pipeline 1.91%
train 1.91%
plane + v. >>共 391
be 14.01%
crash 9.42%
fly 6.48%
land 4.37%
take 3.86%
go 2.89%
have 2.75%
carry 2.72%
hit 2.46%
return 2.41%
transport 0.15%
每页显示:    共 18