1.   During her time as a flight attendant, she routinely received training on how to respond to a plane hijacking.

2.   Should movies showing plane hijackings be shelved?

3.   These days, Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee has more to worry about than plane hijackings, arch-foe Pakistan and nuclear proliferation.

4.   Also on Tuesday, Cuba demanded that the United States adhere to migration agreements and return four men accused of plane hijackings for prosecution.

5.   Eighteen years after a Lufthansa plane hijacking whose bloody end left the captain and three terrorists dead, federal prosecutors have charged the woman who allegedly made it possible.

6.   FBI investigating reports of plane hijacking before World Trade Center crashes.

7.   In Washington, officials said the FBI was investigating reports of a plane hijacking before the crashes.

8.   More recently, there have been a series of plane hijackings in Russia, most of which ended with the hijackers being seized by Russian security forces.

9.   Police were ordered to be prepared for possible plane hijackings and attacks against embassies, consulates or tourist areas, a police official said.

10.   The past six months have brought Japan earthquakes, poison gas attacks on subways, a plane hijacking and a letter bombing aimed at the mayor of Tokyo.

n. + hijacking >>共 35
suicide 24.06%
car 14.44%
airplane 9.63%
plane 8.56%
airline 6.42%
bus 5.35%
truck 3.74%
airliner 3.21%
ferry 2.67%
year 2.14%
plane + n. >>共 349
crash 32.65%
ticket 10.57%
ride 4.08%
spotter 2.25%
home 2.04%
trip 1.91%
land 1.83%
flying 1.61%
incident 1.61%
flight 1.53%
hijacking 0.68%
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