1.   A disproportionately large fraction of small planes fly in Alaska, and the FAA plans to hold hearings there in May on the proposed rules.

2.   Aircraft noise is so bad that the city council meetings are brought to a halt until the plane flies over, he said.

3.   Five or six planes fly in formation and a computer on each directs puffs of paraffin in a precise, dot-matrix-like pattern of characters.

4.   It will be four to six months before any planes fly, he said.

5.   Proponents say it will let planes fly closer together and land safely in low-visibility weather, because of greater certainty about where they are.

6.   The faster the plane flies, the closer the limiter holds the rudder to the neutral position.

7.   The map image crawls slowly across the screen as the plane flies on, synchronized by signals from global positioning satellites circling the Earth overhead.

8.   He demanded the plane fly to New York.

9.   Nor could the plane fly back because it had limited range.

10.   Russian planes fly overhead every day, and sometimes drop bombs.

n. + fly >>共 172
phorid 5.15%
plane 4.04%
cluster 2.57%
house 2.57%
sac 2.57%
crow 2.21%
time 2.21%
flag 1.84%
hover 1.47%
bird 1.47%
plane + n. >>共 349
crash 32.65%
ticket 10.57%
ride 4.08%
spotter 2.25%
home 2.04%
trip 1.91%
land 1.83%
flying 1.61%
incident 1.61%
flight 1.53%
fly 0.47%
每页显示:    共 11