1.   Also, many corporate retirement plan sponsors fear they could be shirking their duties in offering a fund that may produce lower returns by refusing to own certain stocks.

2.   But the Enron debacle has plan sponsors focused on other issues at the moment.

3.   Conflicts can lead plan sponsors to fail in their fiduciary duties.

4.   Employers or other plan sponsors are generally free under ERISA, for any reason at any time, to adopt, modify, or terminate welfare plans.

5.   For mutual fund companies, plan sponsors with huge amounts of money to invest are highly desirable clients.

6.   Fueling the fund company growth is a surge in alliances intended to satisfy plan sponsors, who want well-known mutual funds.

7.   The annual disclosures have been under attack by some large pension plan sponsors as a waste of resources.

8.   The committee approved an amendment to exclude religious health plan sponsors.

9.   The greater investment gains that assets are predicted to earn in the future, the less a plan sponsor actually has to sock away today.

10.   Typically, a consultant is hired by an investment plan sponsor, like an employer or association of employers in the case of a pension fund.

n. + sponsor >>共 183
title 20.79%
team 2.65%
conference 2.65%
tournament 2.65%
bill 2.65%
series 2.46%
year 2.27%
terrorism 2.08%
plan 2.08%
fund 1.51%
plan + n. >>共 417
call 12.97%
administrator 4.05%
member 2.59%
participant 2.39%
work 1.97%
meeting 1.45%
works 1.35%
ready 1.24%
sponsor 1.14%
policy 1.04%
每页显示:    共 11