1.   Only in America can a billionaire carry on like plain folks and get away with it.

2.   And many humorists, like Will Rogers, have long based their appeal on being just plain folks.

3.   And no matter what the actual interests at stake, the ads are almost invariably cast in terms of just plain folks.

4.   And those words obviously mean something entirely different for sports stars than they mean for just plain folks.

5.   As South Boston demonstrated this winter, the organized opposition of just plain folks can stop a football stadium.

6.   Both the art and the ideas here get more imaginative as superheroes, anti-heroes and plain folks ponder what it all means.

7.   A handful of journalists, broadcasters and just plain folks are creating shows exclusively for the Internet.

8.   But Byers, as he would be the first to tell you, is just plain folks.

9.   But the unspoken similarity with plain folk is that town and country complement one another, each fulfilling different needs in the same soul.

10.   Despite the down-home name, the people behind the company were anything but just plain folks.

a. + folk >>共 448
old 7.22%
ordinary 6.91%
black 5.54%
common 3.73%
older 3.61%
regular 3.55%
young 2.61%
local 2.43%
good 2.18%
home 2.12%
plain 1.56%
plain + n. >>共 803
clothes 6.76%
view 4.44%
sight 3.18%
water 2.98%
language 2.77%
paper 2.42%
fact 1.56%
yogurt 1.51%
luck 1.41%
folk 1.26%
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