1.   Drought and wildfires continue to plague the area.

2.   As a result, clouds and scattered rain and snow showers will plague these areas.

3.   Because the inefficiencies in the transmission grid plague different areas to differing degrees, firm numbers on what the situation is costing homeowners and businesses are hard to project.

4.   Farther to the southeast, showers and drizzle will plague many areas near the central Appalachians.

5.   For starters, how and why does redlining continue to plague low-income areas?

6.   He refers to the pollution that has plagued the area for much of the past decade.

7.   In addition, the metro area is plagued by sprawl.

8.   Like many residents, she said she was grateful that the police have sought to drive out the drug dealers who have plagued the area for decades.

9.   Low clouds will plague some areas of northern Michigan.

10.   Over the years, the San Francisco area has been plagued by serial rapists.

v. + area >>共 728
leave 4.17%
search 2.80%
cover 2.79%
visit 2.64%
patrol 2.46%
enter 2.42%
flee 2.30%
reach 1.79%
hit 1.70%
clear 1.55%
plague 0.24%
plague + n. >>共 451
country 5.91%
region 4.64%
company 2.81%
team 2.74%
industry 2.53%
area 2.11%
government 1.90%
part 1.55%
project 1.55%
program 1.48%
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