1.   A slimmed-down Wedgewood Group will be much better placed to take advantage of the worldwide recovery when it comes.

2.   However, encouragingly, our Export Department is well experienced and appears to be well placed to take full advantage of export opportunities.

3.   I am ready at any time, any place to take part in such a debate.

4.   Along with four Veterans Committee selections, they enter into immortality together, taking their rightful places in the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.

5.   Australia is well placed to take advantage of dwindling international wheat supplies.

6.   -- There still are many places that take only cash.

7.   But her release has not yet taken place as expected, raising the possibility of last-minute disagreements that could delay or scuttle the step.

8.   Foreign Minister Ehud Barak of Israel, a former military chief of staff, said Friday that Arafat must stop a fifth attack from taking place.

9.   The companies that can afford to take advantage of these opportunities will be wonderfully placed to take advantage of the recovery.

10.   The reinsurer has a sound life reinsurance business in a growing market and is well placed to take advantage of this growth, analysts said.

v. + take >>共 578
will 6.42%
resign 5.45%
be 4.96%
arrive 3.60%
use 2.77%
rush 2.38%
opt 2.33%
position 1.90%
return 1.85%
stop 1.75%
place 0.92%
place + v. >>共 207
take 5.16%
win 3.26%
be 2.45%
make 2.45%
help 1.63%
find 1.63%
do 1.63%
go 1.36%
comment 1.36%
raise 1.36%
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