1.   Although the records painted a rosy picture, they failed to placate many voters.

2.   Both men cloaked their differences in language designed to placate swing voters.

3.   Democrats counter that Republicans realize they need to do something to placate angry voters who will otherwise turn out in droves to vote them out of office.

4.   His critics put it more harshly, saying that he talks a liberal game to placate voters, but that his actions contradict his words.

5.   Most describe the Democratic and Republican moves as sham exercises merely to placate voters.

6.   There was some speculation the federal government might nudge the Reserve Bank into cutting rates soon to placate voters unhappy with rising mortgage payments.

7.   But many see the move simply as a last-ditch attempt to placate voters dissatisfied with the coalition.

8.   The reshuffle is an attempt to placate dissatisfied voters.

v. + voter >>共 539
woo 3.47%
attract 3.43%
register 3.31%
alienate 2.93%
intimidate 2.58%
sway 2.48%
court 2.07%
turn 2.00%
reach 1.91%
influence 1.46%
placate 0.25%
placate + n. >>共 122
critic 4.66%
regulator 3.39%
voter 3.39%
investor 3.39%
protester 2.97%
concern 2.54%
worker 2.54%
opponent 2.12%
conservative 2.12%
moderate 2.12%
每页显示:    共 8