1.   By then the pine bark, if not replenished, will have disappeared.

2.   Davis recommends a raised bed of equal parts topsoil, sand and pine bark to help ensure good camellia health and growth.

3.   For every few that disappear into the woods, there is one that finds pine bark then the fairway.

4.   Gay suggests a mix of one-third compost, one-third shredded pine bark and one-third sharp sand when building new beds.

5.   If you did not incorporate organic matter into the soil when you planted, you might use compost or shredded pine bark as a mulch.

6.   Mulch around the plant with a layer of pine straw or pine bark.

7.   Mulch with pine needles, pine bark or shredded oak leaves.

8.   Mulch with three or so inches of pine needles or shredded pine bark.

9.   Pine needles and pine bark are especially good as a winter protector for rose plants.

10.   Shredded oak leaves, pine needles, pine bark and sphagnum peat moss will increase acidity.

n. + bark >>共 27
tree 42.15%
dog 10.74%
pine 9.92%
birch 8.26%
cedar 4.96%
fir 2.48%
yew 2.48%
animal 1.65%
cypress 1.65%
willow 1.65%
pine + n. >>共 142
tree 35.26%
forest 15.33%
cone 7.61%
wood 2.89%
bough 2.47%
board 2.14%
floor 1.82%
branch 1.82%
table 1.71%
box 1.61%
bark 1.29%
每页显示:    共 12