1.   Schools were given pin numbers so that results could be phoned through to Newsround Results Hotline.

2.   A friend e-mails that somewhere she read we are losing IQ points because our heads are so full of passwords and pin numbers.

3.   I inserted the card and punched in my pin number.

4.   Next they have to memorize their Social Security numbers, and eventually their bank card pin numbers.

5.   Pin numbers and passwords are only part of it.

6.   PIN numbers were supposed to stop cloning in its tracks, but more sophisticated thieves soon found a way to steal the PIN numbers as well.

7.   The children have to memorize a pin number to obtain sticker books featuring the much-loved Conavi bee.

8.   They are categorized by type with a facing page that includes a pin reference number, how many were produced, when it was released.

9.   With the service, drivers receive a Drive America brochure and savings card with a pin number to access the deals wherever you go.

10.   Telekom does not allow you to use your local home number, or a pin number of your choice which you can remember easily.

n. + number >>共 1062
phone 19.32%
telephone 12.97%
identification 3.68%
two 2.73%
poll 2.28%
world 1.98%
account 1.29%
production 1.18%
three 1.17%
issue 0.85%
pin 0.14%
pin + n. >>共 75
placement 24.80%
drop 11.38%
position 8.54%
cushion 6.50%
number 4.47%
bone 3.66%
dot 1.63%
trader 1.63%
boy 1.22%
center 1.22%
每页显示:    共 11