1.   American and its pilots union are at odds over a new contract.

2.   American said that it discussed the Reno Air purchase with leaders of the pilots union and that they raised no objections.

3.   American Airlines and its pilots union made little progress toward averting a strike at midnight tonight, increasing the likelihood President Bill Clinton will intervene to stop it.

4.   American recently rekindled contract extension talks with its pilots union in hopes of enlisting its support for a Northwest deal.

5.   As a practical matter, if UPS had attempted to break the Teamsters union, it likely would have had to take on its pilots union as well.

6.   ATLANTA - Continuing its quest to stop a no-overtime campaign, Delta Air Lines has filed an emergency motion for an injunction against its pilots union.

7.   Bickford, who is refereeing the talks between American and the Allied Pilots, also was the mediator in those talks between American and the pilots union.

8.   Both American and the pilots union also declined to say what was in the proposed settlement.

9.   Both Mullin and Charles Giambusso, chairman of the pilots union, said they remain optimistic about the talks.

10.   Both plans permit AMR to fly small jets at its American Eagle commuter unit, even though the pilots union wanted those jets to be flown at American.

n. + union >>共 307
rugby 8.56%
teacher 7.80%
player 7.18%
currency 7.03%
police 6.38%
pilot 5.69%
same-sex 4.51%
worker 4.47%
employee 2.79%
trade 2.25%
pilot + n. >>共 78
union 52.46%
strike 8.45%
association 4.23%
group 1.76%
license 1.76%
contract 1.41%
land 1.06%
point 1.06%
say 1.06%
spokesman 1.06%
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