1.   Clinton acted almost immediately after Jim Sovich, president of the pilots association, announced the strike.

2.   It does not include drunken driving, an offense that was a stated concern of the pilots association.

3.   Jean Bonnell said she agreed to speak about her husband now only because of the recent terrorist attacks and requests by pilots associations to be armed.

4.   Mazor said the pilots association is not opposed to checks for new hires but is opposed to checks for existing employees.

5.   Through their private pilots association they have been lobbying against any new restrictions on their freedom to fly in the United States.

6.   Hal Myers, spokesman for the pilots association, said the Mediation Board requested that both sides not discuss the negotiations.

7.   Justice Ministry officials said it was extremely unlikely that the hijacker would be granted asylum, and the national airliner pilots association demanded he be deported immediately.

8.   Members of the pilots association were expected to announce Monday whether they intend to return to the bargaining table or to take other measures.

9.   The pilots association SEPLA had initially supported it but then backed out, calling a series of wildcat strikes last month.

10.   Union officials held information meetings for pilots in Milwaukee and Omaha, Neb., last week, said Hal Myers, a spokesman for the pilots association.

n. + association >>共 497
trade 13.55%
player 9.27%
industry 5.55%
business 2.86%
soccer 2.69%
neighborhood 2.33%
homeowner 2.24%
rifle 2.00%
football 1.67%
alumnus 1.59%
pilot 0.49%
pilot + n. >>共 78
union 52.46%
strike 8.45%
association 4.23%
group 1.76%
license 1.76%
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