1.   It is undeniable that the economic picture is brightening.

2.   But the picture has brightened a bit.

3.   Even so, economists caution that continued hiring in certain sectors does not mean the economic picture has brightened.

4.   How did such a bleak picture brighten so quickly?

5.   If they have fairly short durations, and particularly if you will have the rental property paid off by your anticipated retirement date, the picture would brighten considerably.

6.   In recent years, the picture has brightened.

7.   Loan guarantees by the U.S. and others let Mexico pay its short-term debts and the investment picture there brightened anew.

8.   One is that my estimates of investment returns will probably prove conservative, so the picture might brighten there.

9.   Once past the cake, the picture brightens.

10.   The number of people expecting the employment picture to brighten over the next six months has also risen.

n. + brighten >>共 92
sky 10.59%
eye 10.17%
outlook 6.78%
prospect 6.78%
face 5.93%
picture 5.93%
light 5.08%
mood 3.81%
flower 1.27%
splash 1.27%
picture + v. >>共 451
be 38.68%
show 9.62%
include 2.70%
emerge 2.27%
look 2.22%
appear 2.05%
have 1.89%
change 1.86%
come 1.84%
become 1.76%
brighten 0.38%
每页显示:    共 14