1.   However, this was far less significant for physics students than it was for the physical science and materials students.

2.   Many physics students, and almost all physical science students, had an instrumental attitude towards their degree courses.

3.   Or, following Chernobyl, for physics students not to develop a sensitivity to the biological and environmental dimensions of their studies.

4.   Is this taken just by physics students, or other students in the university.

5.   Guy was a third-year physics student who apparently lived alone in his fifth-floor room at the Massachusetts Institute of Technololgy.

6.   He was tutoring freshmen physics students when he was just a sophomore.

7.   In addition there have been a stream of reports about gifted physics students or journalists who have compiled usable nuclear-weapon designs from freely accessible information.

8.   It is the way physics students see when they pass light through corn syrup and look at the light with polarizing filters.

9.   Sabanovic, a former physics student, is unable to resume his studies at the university in Bosnia because curbs and stairs block his access.

10.   Richard Watts, a physics student, jotted down a series of numbers describing the developing experiment.

n. + student >>共 543
college 27.81%
university 12.85%
minority 5.32%
law 5.21%
honor 3.41%
seminary 2.40%
school 2.20%
art 1.81%
exchange 1.64%
high-school 1.42%
physics 0.19%
physics + n. >>共 81
professor 14.94%
prize 8.12%
department 7.79%
class 7.47%
teacher 6.82%
student 3.57%
experiment 2.92%
laboratory 2.60%
lab 2.60%
research 2.27%
每页显示:    共 11