1.   He is the eighth Stanford scientist to win the most coveted physics award.

2.   The chemistry prize will be split three ways, while Kilby will receive half of the physics award and his co-winners will get the rest.

3.   The Nobels started Monday with the naming of medicine prize winners, followed by the physics award on Tuesday and chemistry and economics on Wednesday.

4.   The physics award, like many of the science Nobels, is for work that is in the rarefied atmosphere of high theory but that deals with fundamental questions.

5.   The physics award was made jointly to Canadian Bertram N. Brockhouse and to American Clifford G. Shull, who were innovators in using atomic particles to study condensed matter.

n. + award >>共 424
damage 10.90%
achievement 7.48%
year 6.40%
lifetime 6.06%
jury 5.50%
player 2.23%
contract 1.42%
match 1.33%
actor 1.33%
arbitration 1.33%
physics 0.24%
physics + n. >>共 81
professor 14.94%
prize 8.12%
department 7.79%
class 7.47%
teacher 6.82%
student 3.57%
experiment 2.92%
laboratory 2.60%
lab 2.60%
research 2.27%
award 1.62%
每页显示:    共 5