1.   But they would agree that anxiety, tension or depression can make the physical symptoms worse.

2.   Depressed people often complain of physical symptoms such as headaches.

3.   From an assessment point of view this information establishes a baseline record of frequency of panic attacks or other physical symptoms.

4.   Impaired self-esteem, stress, physical symptoms.

5.   It also helps the therapist identify antecedents, prominent physical symptoms, and catastrophic thoughts.

6.   She saw his physical symptoms as evidence that he was trying unsuccessfully to apply the brakes on a natural evolutionary process.

7.   The physical symptoms occur as a result of too much oxygen and too little carbon dioxide.

8.   These two physical symptoms are the most important causes of disability and failure to convalesce.

9.   We have suggested that the experience of physical symptoms of anxiety result from stress.

a. + symptom >>共 408
flu-like 12.09%
similar 5.25%
first 3.42%
common 3.42%
early 3.37%
flulike 3.28%
severe 2.99%
physical 2.46%
same 2.17%
gastrointestinal 1.97%
physical + n. >>共 1139
evidence 4.39%
activity 3.47%
condition 3.38%
abuse 2.24%
contact 2.00%
problem 1.84%
presence 1.80%
fitness 1.72%
exam 1.59%
play 1.46%
symptom 0.55%
每页显示:    共 51