1.   In its common meaning, that phrase refers to executive branch agencies and not Congress or the courts, Stevens said.

2.   The district has since indicated that the phrase referred to genesis, or origins, rather than human biology.

3.   The phrase originally referred to studies by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, finding that children with reading difficulties needed to learn phonics.

4.   The phrase refers to those of us who live here in the Piney Woods, where the horizon is limited depending on how tall the loblollies are.

5.   The phrase referred to middle-class housewives, characterized as soccer moms, who often drove their kids to soccer games or practices.

6.   The White House saw a noun, and said the phrase referred to a vacuum of information.

7.   In Ukraine, the phrase usually refers to security services.

8.   The phrase refers to killing whites and has been officially dropped by the PAC, a small black nationalist group.

9.   Weissmann implied the phrase referred to paperwork or e-mails that could implicate Andersen for accounting mistakes, or even crimes.

n. + refer >>共 873
official 3.49%
title 2.51%
term 2.37%
report 2.28%
statement 1.77%
doctor 1.63%
citation 1.53%
spokesman 1.30%
name 1.30%
people 1.16%
phrase 0.42%
phrase + v. >>共 153
be 28.36%
mean 4.62%
come 4.41%
have 4.20%
become 2.73%
seem 2.52%
appear 2.10%
refer 1.89%
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