1.   And after Bush was whisked in straight from Hartsfield and pumped out his speech, he dashed back to his motorcade, to further photo ops and Hartsfield again.

2.   Another female Atlantic bottlenose, Griffith poses for photo ops with guests when they first enter the pool.

3.   Arrive late for photo ops, and elbow your way through the dark-suited ranks emerging prettily in the center of the front row.

4.   At the very least, the photo ops were a hit.

5.   At noon at the Mark Hotel, two dogs coolly disregarded Maxwell during photo ops.

6.   Bill Clinton, also a Southern Baptist, welcomes photo ops of him in church or carrying a Bible.

7.   A savage analysis in The Washington Post derides his attempt to overcome in photo ops what had been criticized as aloofness.

8.   But the cameramen at the photo ops seemed to work harder than the president.

9.   Celebrities such as Paul Simon and Andy Warhol came by for photo ops.

10.   Cote said a couple of New Hampshire politicians have called hoping to plan photo ops with the moose.

n. + ops >>共 3
photo 96.49%
basketball 1.75%
medium 1.75%
photo + n. >>共 345
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