1.   Installation photos indicate the works are displayed in a plain, pared-down setting, treated as they are at the MFA, purely as sculpture.

2.   They point to cases in which courts have held it appropriate to show such photos to indicate such things as premeditation and the brutality of the crime.

3.   He said video footage and photos indicated that unique species are associated with the vent sites.

4.   Satellite photos indicate a line of cloudiness and weak showers extending from southern Puerto Rico northeastward to between Vieques and St. Croix.

5.   Satellite photos indicated two areas of cloudiness and showers on both sides of our islands.

6.   Satellite photos this morning indicated an old cold frontal boundary associated with showers over the Atlantic sinking southward towards our islands.

7.   Satellite photos indicate the area of clouds and thunderstorms has some rotation to it.

8.   Satellite photos indicate very little cloud cover across the entire northeast Caribbean.

9.   Satellite photos indicated showers and thunderstorms were developing over the interior and north coast of Puerto Rico.

10.   Satellite photos this morning indicated mostly sunny skies across our local area as patches of cloudiness passed across the Caribbean south of Puerto Rico.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
poll 7.03%
official 5.80%
study 3.65%
record 2.21%
survey 2.17%
evidence 1.89%
result 1.86%
research 1.73%
test 1.67%
photo 0.16%
photo + v. >>共 237
be 33.76%
show 19.76%
move 3.14%
appear 2.47%
have 1.35%
make 1.35%
accompany 1.27%
depict 1.12%
indicate 1.12%
come 1.05%
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