1.   Boiardi explained that the product name was changed to the phonetic spelling because customers and salesmen had trouble pronouncing his name.

2.   A stenotype machine is used to translate spoken words into phonetic spellings, which are then translated.

3.   Next, she writes the words phonetically, and finally, she corrects her own phonetic spellings, scratching out some letters to get rid of extra sounds.

4.   Now we have added phonetic spelling to the other problems.

5.   Uncorrected phonetic spellings can slow court proceedings as attorneys attempt to translate garbled speech.

6.   Campeau pasted phonetic spellings of particularly difficult Chinese and Eastern European names on the wall in front of him.

a. + spelling >>共 83
correct 16.92%
english 4.62%
invented 4.62%
inventive 4.10%
new 4.10%
original 4.10%
different 3.59%
phonetic 3.08%
poor 2.05%
standard 2.05%
phonetic + n. >>共 39
spelling 9.52%
transcription 7.94%
symbol 6.35%
element 4.76%
description 4.76%
sound 4.76%
feature 3.17%
pattern 3.17%
script 3.17%
skill 3.17%
每页显示:    共 6