1.   A computer looks at the phone number and Decides whether any of the participating fax machines cover the destination.

2.   A mystery phone number turned out to be a White House trunk line.

3.   Call listed phone numbers for directions.

4.   Can I have your phone number?

5.   D., residential phone numbers could be released to callers unless there is a specific request to stop that from happening.

6.   Do you still have her phone number?

7.   Give me your phone number before I forget.

8.   Hang on a minute while I find her phone number.

9.   He kissed her and pressed a list of phone numbers and dates and times into her hand.

10.   I can give you her phone number, if you like.

n. + number >>共 1062
phone 19.32%
telephone 12.97%
identification 3.68%
two 2.73%
poll 2.28%
world 1.98%
account 1.29%
production 1.18%
three 1.17%
issue 0.85%
phone + n. >>共 231
company 18.59%
number 14.36%
line 13.61%
service 9.20%
conversation 4.20%
message 3.89%
system 2.48%
bill 2.45%
market 1.83%
network 1.76%
每页显示:    共 1514