1.   Cut each piece of pheasant breast in half, and separate legs and thighs.

2.   Fold ends of bacon strips over pheasant breast to enclose it completely, with no overlap.

3.   Place a wrapped pheasant breast on one side of the dough, and fold the dough over to enclose it completely.

4.   Place pheasant breast on top of each plate of greens.

5.   Rub the pheasant breasts with the truffle oil.

6.   Stick thyme sprig into each pheasant breast, and serve immediately.

7.   You buy your birds, shoot them and drive home with a few Zip-loc bags full of succulent pheasant breasts.

n. + breast >>共 31
duck 36.77%
turkey 31.61%
silicone 5.81%
pheasant 4.52%
chimney 1.94%
mother 1.29%
quail 1.29%
skin-on 1.29%
summer 1.29%
alligator 0.65%
pheasant + n. >>共 19
breast 21.88%
hunt 12.50%
carcass 9.38%
leg 6.25%
production 6.25%
chick 3.13%
choucroute 3.13%
connoisseur 3.13%
course 3.13%
farm 3.13%
每页显示:    共 7