1.   Torture is also routine in criminal investigations, even for the most petty offense.

2.   - Military women routinely faced criminal charges for petty offenses and job-related infractions that came to light when they reported sexual assaults.

3.   Both have records of petty offenses and not-too-visible means of support.

4.   He reveals, too, a darker side, an autocratic tendency that mostly surfaces when he dresses down an underling for a seemingly petty offense.

5.   If vandalism is a petty offense, then why is it so hard to confess to it, to apologize for it?

6.   Police officers, they contend, are arresting growing numbers of people for increasingly petty offenses.

7.   She also began to get into trouble with the law and was arrested for petty offenses like disorderly conduct.

8.   The authorities believe that Land and Jacks may have criminal records for petty offenses in the past.

9.   The program has come under intense criticism for its high cost, for saturating neighborhoods with narcotics teams and for increasing the number of arrests for petty offenses.

10.   Under current law, adopted children who were never naturalized can be deported for petty offenses.

a. + offense >>共 804
criminal 6.17%
impeachable 3.62%
minor 3.37%
new 3.37%
serious 2.88%
first 2.40%
same 2.30%
second 2.00%
total 1.77%
alleged 1.62%
petty 0.38%
petty + n. >>共 252
crime 15.75%
theft 11.21%
criminal 7.72%
thief 4.76%
jealousy 3.17%
trader 3.07%
politics 1.80%
offense 1.59%
family 1.37%
squabble 1.37%
每页显示:    共 15