1.   As a result, they are unable ever to get beyond the personality traits they find irritating.

2.   Certain personality traits make people more likely to become victims of violent crime.

3.   Firstly, children should be able to establish reasons why there are individual differences in personality traits and emotional reactions.

4.   For Barber, key personality traits define each of the four types of political personality.

5.   I was able to identify specific gene factors which carry personality traits.

6.   Is it associated with remediable personality traits?

7.   Personality traits are particular characteristics or aspects of this total personality.

8.   Racism is interpreted as a form of displacement and objectification deriving from unhealthy neuroses and personality traits.

n. + trait >>共 44
personality 50.00%
character 23.44%
leadership 1.56%
hallmark 1.04%
gene 1.04%
boomer 1.04%
production 1.04%
share 1.04%
signature 1.04%
telltale 1.04%
personality + n. >>共 134
disorder 14.06%
trait 12.39%
clash 9.94%
cult 9.16%
type 7.48%
conflict 5.16%
change 4.90%
difference 3.23%
profile 1.94%
quirk 1.81%
每页显示:    共 95