1.   Anybody on the venire have any personal problem with these two?

2.   Beth had a lot of personal problems at that time.

3.   But Clinton poses a political problem, not just a personal problem.

4.   Counselors can give assistance to students with personal problems.

5.   Detectives said she was known to be upset over personal problems and ex-pressed serious concern for her safety.

6.   Furious host officials last night accused Charles and Diana of putting their personal problems before their sense of duty.

7.   Given the option, counselors wanted to offer more assistance to students with personal problems.

8.   In addition to counselling on particular personal problems, advice is available on aspects such as accommodation, study skills and careers.

9.   It is difficult to understand how personal problems can be resolved by refusing to talk about them.

10.   It might just be the voice of support at a meeting or the follow-up on a personal problem mentioned a few days ago.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
economic 3.74%
major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
real 1.87%
personal 0.86%
personal + n. >>共 953
life 3.64%
information 2.53%
reason 1.99%
finance 1.63%
relationship 1.55%
experience 1.49%
injury 1.32%
problem 1.28%
attack 1.27%
trainer 1.18%
每页显示:    共 318