1.   The U.S. State Department had only a peripheral role in the negotiations.

2.   It might even drift towards a Scandinavian-style peripheral role in Nato as well as distancing itself from the EEC.

3.   A close friend of Kenneth Starr, Olson played a peripheral role in the Whitewater and Paula Jones cases that led to the impeachment of President Clinton.

4.   But despite the overture by Prince Abdullah, most governments still appear resistant to allowing foreign companies to reassert more than a peripheral role.

5.   Dozens of Nixon aides were implicated in Watergate and related crimes, some for relatively peripheral roles.

6.   Khatami played only a peripheral role in the revolution.

7.   Remarkably, electoral fraud appears to have played only a peripheral role.

8.   The federal government has historically viewed public schooling as a local matter in which Washington plays only a peripheral role.

9.   They appear to contradict the image of Clinton as playing only a peripheral role in soliciting money.

10.   Others had a peripheral role -- Norway provided shipping, Germany gave anti-chemical warfare equipment and cash, along with nonmembers like Japan and Saudi Arabia.

a. + role >>共 848
key 5.90%
important 5.27%
major 4.40%
active 3.94%
new 3.38%
leading 3.03%
greater 2.04%
central 1.97%
prominent 1.58%
significant 1.57%
peripheral 0.08%
peripheral + n. >>共 153
vision 19.31%
device 5.21%
area 4.05%
issue 3.28%
role 3.09%
blood 2.90%
business 2.70%
figure 2.70%
product 2.51%
nerve 2.32%
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