1.   Borrego credits his paternal grandmother with preparing him for his major accomplishments as a performing artist.

2.   But, believing that he could have no future as a performing artist, he went to law school, and hated it.

3.   Fittingly, the poster is a showcase for visual artists just as the competition is a launching for performing artists.

4.   Fans can also buy tickets or purchase CDs by the performing artists on the site.

5.   For her work in the theater, we necessarily only have memories -- vivid memories of a tiny, towering performing artist.

6.   For Robert Bridgeman of Dreamers Inc., a Cambridge-based performing artist group that will help with drama lessons, it was an inspiring lesson.

7.   In addition to turning half its floor space into a rehearsal studio, the company hires performing artists and turns them into consultants.

8.   Ms. Dayan spoke on Friday at a gathering of performing artists who support Barak, and her remarks were broadcast Sunday morning on Israel Radio.

9.   Much of the programming, he said, was a joint decision of the Cultural Olympiad and the performing artists.

10.   Musicians, artists, writers and performing artists are discovering multimedia outlets for their talents.

a. + artist >>共 1064
young 3.99%
local 2.90%
contemporary 2.82%
american 2.51%
new 2.44%
recording 2.23%
graphic 2.02%
great 1.81%
black 1.43%
french 1.26%
performing 0.38%
performing + n. >>共 208
abortion 7.63%
artist 4.54%
career 3.92%
stock 2.89%
school 2.68%
art 2.47%
group 2.06%
style 2.06%
surgery 1.65%
schedule 1.44%
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