1.   The performance criteria are written in a manner which accommodates changes in direction when key factors are identified either at the beginning or during the course of the investigation.

2.   The communication of findings can be carried out in any manner which meets the performance criteria.

3.   The role of the tutor is to clarify the process of investigation and the way in which the performance criteria may be satisfied.

4.   It is necessary to ensure that each student meets all the performance criteria.

5.   Each student must produce evidence which shows that the five performance criteria relating to the investigation Outcome have been met.

6.   A tutor report and a checklist recording satisfactory achievement of performance criteria should accompany evidence which has been presented orally.

7.   The following indicates what may be regarded as evidence for each performance criterion.

8.   But a report from the General Accounting Office suggests that the experiments have been sloppily handled and should not be duplicated without careful guidelines and performance criteria.

9.   But Lockheed Martin swept all five design and performance criteria, although the winning margins were thin, Daniels said.

10.   Last month, the company got all of its domestic franchisees to sign contracts giving it power to set performance criteria and to dismiss distributors with less notice.

n. + criterion >>共 154
convergence 11.71%
selection 11.53%
eligibility 10.99%
admission 4.68%
entry 4.32%
membership 4.32%
currency 3.24%
performance 2.88%
deficit 2.34%
safety 1.80%
performance + n. >>共 501
standard 5.26%
evaluation 5.11%
review 4.55%
space 2.43%
bonus 2.38%
piece 1.67%
enhancer 1.67%
level 1.62%
drug 1.57%
record 1.57%
criterion 0.81%
每页显示:    共 16