1.   Doctors can perform tests to see if a woman carries the breast cancer gene.

2.   Economists can not so easily divide the country into two districts to perform similar tests.

3.   The patient performed the tests with no other comment-until the temporal lobe site was stimulated again without warning.

4.   Unfortunately, slow music and fast music altered how they performed the tests so music is now forbidden during testing sessions.

5.   Stress-relaxation tests are not performed as often as creep tests because many investigators believe they are less readily understood.

6.   The acid clearance test was performed using the technique originally described by Booth et al with some modifications.

7.   Once a specific PCR has been developed for an organism, it requires little expertise to perform the test.

8.   Routine serobiochemical tests were performed using automated techniques.

9.   All tests were performed after overnight fasting and before injecting the morning insulin dose.

v. + test >>共 591
conduct 12.51%
undergo 6.97%
pass 5.69%
take 5.45%
fail 4.27%
do 3.54%
carry 3.31%
perform 2.65%
use 2.51%
have 2.06%
perform + n. >>共 763
surgery 7.15%
abortion 5.62%
task 4.47%
operation 3.65%
autopsy 3.57%
procedure 3.56%
duty 3.33%
test 3.27%
service 2.71%
work 2.62%
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