1.   Even when you turn off the computer, the counterpoint persists because the digital story is the perfect dual opposite of the paper story.

2.   Every postcard and letter is a link in the transcontinental romance between artists who write to each other, each seeking his or her perfect opposite.

3.   He is the perfect opposite of everything a righteously home-schooled Good Boy should be.

4.   Ms. Bohringer and Ms. Zylberstein are perfect opposites, one a comically brooding wallflower and the other an incurable extrovert.

5.   They were perfect opposites, one balancing the other.

a. + opposite >>共 57
exact 30.03%
polar 28.65%
complete 9.09%
very 5.51%
ideological 3.58%
total 2.20%
philosophical 1.65%
perfect 1.38%
direct 1.10%
diametric 1.10%
perfect + n. >>共 1817
example 3.31%
fit 3.01%
sense 2.86%
time 2.54%
place 2.09%
match 2.00%
world 1.74%
pass 1.69%
ninth 1.58%
day 1.21%
opposite 0.06%
每页显示:    共 5