1.   Anyone who has a perennial garden will tell you, loud and clear, how much work it is.

2.   A perennial garden exults in June and sulks in August.

3.   A perennial garden spills over with blue Nikko and white Peegee hydrangeas, Anthony Waterer spireas and burning bush.

4.   Cut the branches off that tree and place them over your perennial garden.

5.   Even perennial gardens will tolerate a light layer of fall leaves without raking.

6.   From now until late July is a perfect time to introduce a specimen or two to the perennial garden.

7.   In my perennial garden, there are iris seedpods, which should be removed before winter anyway.

8.   In my perennial garden this spring, a peachleaf bellflower produced unusually tall blossom spikes that were soft lavender in color rather than sky blue.

9.   In the perennial garden, you can enjoy the unusual shape of lobelia flowers without groveling.

10.   It is the artful blending of perennials with different bloom periods that makes a perennial garden appear to be in full flower all season.

a. + garden >>共 577
vegetable 7.46%
small 4.55%
rose 4.12%
back 3.60%
lush 2.57%
formal 2.53%
front 2.06%
public 1.97%
large 1.89%
beautiful 1.80%
perennial 1.03%
perennial + n. >>共 372
problem 5.37%
favorite 5.06%
power 3.92%
candidate 2.79%
contender 2.68%
powerhouse 2.48%
garden 2.48%
bed 2.37%
loser 2.27%
border 1.75%
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