1.   Many people would refer to them more as superhuman than as divine characters.

2.   Americans get spooked when people refer to Marx and Freud in a positive light.

3.   And it must be weird for the eternal bad boy to be at a point where people refer to his classic period.

4.   And while Tom Otwell of AARP insists people refer to the organization by its individual initials, Rivkin doubts that assertion.

5.   Despite the veiled anonymity, both sides knew who people were referring to.

6.   But fewer people now refer to the Czech split.

7.   For years, they were so close that people here routinely referred to them as twin brothers.

8.   From the very first, Kunkel said, the people referred to the celebration as Ohio Days, a time for reminiscing about the Buckeye State.

9.   In Hong Kong, where the switch might seem to be the most traumatic, many people already refer to Hongkong Bank as HSBC.

10.   Many people refer to it as the muscadet grape because no other wine is made from it.

n. + refer >>共 873
official 3.49%
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report 2.28%
statement 1.77%
doctor 1.63%
citation 1.53%
spokesman 1.30%
name 1.30%
people 1.16%
people + v. >>共 719
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die 3.56%
say 2.67%
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