1.   A. It is true that archaeology is creating a revolution in the way scholars and lay people look at the Bible.

2.   He looked at Wilt like, well, like people look at Michael Jordan.

3.   Rodgers feels people look to restaurants to set the trends in food, rather than the home kitchen where food trends once got their start.

4.   Search functions are an integral part of that, as people look for ways to weed through the clutter on the Internet.

5.   Sharpton said that while wartime might necessarily infringe on some liberties, any infringement, any profiling based on the way people look would be un-American and counterproductive.

6.   Well, these people look pretty strong.

7.   What would a city ruled by black people look like?

8.   Currency traders worry that a slump in stock and bond markets could dampen demand for dollars as people look elsewhere around the world to invest their money.

9.   Gore adds that the way people look at relationships depend a lot on the family we grew up with.

10.   Social and economic factors also may be at work in this rust-belt city losing population in droves as young people look elsewhere for jobs.

n. + look >>共 956
first-hand 3.32%
country 0.91%
advance 0.78%
company 0.78%
season 0.78%
people 0.72%
investor 0.59%
tuxedo 0.59%
lingerie 0.59%
room 0.52%
people + n. >>共 769
close 14.57%
dead 8.46%
hostage 3.07%
skill 2.16%
smuggler 1.72%
familiar 1.46%
say 1.39%
talk 1.28%
access 1.28%
do 1.13%
look 0.40%
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