1.   But the worst part is the requirement that half the people give up their telephone numbers each time there is a split.

2.   If he seems optimistic, people give up hope of a little treat from Uncle Alan.

3.   When you get there, give the people running the tasting room a chance to guide you.

4.   Other statistics suggest that the risk of lung cancer starts to decline about five years after people give up cigarettes.

n. + give >>共 139
poll 2.81%
doe 2.25%
people 2.25%
rebel 2.25%
help 1.69%
government 1.69%
man 1.69%
member 1.69%
player 1.69%
consumer 1.12%
people + n. >>共 769
close 14.57%
dead 8.46%
hostage 3.07%
skill 2.16%
smuggler 1.72%
familiar 1.46%
say 1.39%
talk 1.28%
access 1.28%
do 1.13%
give 0.15%
每页显示:    共 4