1.   As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities.

2.   The weak people just drift off in the distance.

3.   Thousands of young people drift into psychological sects and authoritarian religious communities each year, causing nightmares for family and friends.

4.   People drift in from the countryside to swell urban populations.

n. + drift >>共 132
snow 16.53%
pressure 12.29%
conversation 2.54%
music 1.69%
people 1.69%
system 1.69%
wind 1.69%
cloud 1.27%
spray 1.27%
moment 0.85%
people + n. >>共 769
close 14.57%
dead 8.46%
hostage 3.07%
skill 2.16%
smuggler 1.72%
familiar 1.46%
say 1.39%
talk 1.28%
access 1.28%
do 1.13%
drift 0.15%
每页显示:    共 4