1.   A new study by two Fordham University scientists, Dr. Daniel Mroczek and Christian Kolarz, suggests that as people age, they get steadily more cheerful.

2.   Alcohol, which is also a drug, can have an ever worsening effect on driving skills as people age.

3.   But the telomerase gene is suppressed in most normal cells, and as people age, their telomeres decrease.

4.   Drug researchers hope to use the latest findings to make medicines easier to take while also gaining a better idea of what happens to the senses as people age.

5.   Hence, the campaign for Turkey rests on research that indicates that as people age, many become more interested in collecting experiences instead of material goods.

6.   In both manual and service industries, many European countries have shortages of skilled labor that are getting worse as their economies grow and their people age.

7.   It was not clear why obesity should have smaller and smaller effects on death rates as people age.

8.   Julie Winstone, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Southampton, says the game requires a variety of skills that typically decline as people age.

9.   Mitock said the premise of the bill is that motor skills and reaction ability deteriorate as people age.

10.   Often, as people age, their houses become increasingly hostile environments.

n. + age >>共 244
retirement 25.48%
information 19.32%
computer 10.16%
college 3.46%
eligibility 3.08%
population 3.00%
people 1.77%
television 1.62%
medium 1.23%
jet 1.23%
people + n. >>共 769
close 14.57%
dead 8.46%
hostage 3.07%
skill 2.16%
smuggler 1.72%
familiar 1.46%
say 1.39%
talk 1.28%
access 1.28%
do 1.13%
age 0.84%
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